If you ARE sporting the muffin top mentioned earlier...please honey, work the accessories instead! Let this amazing Juicy Couture yellow flower "Flights of Fancy" ring tickle your fancy and this Melie Bianco faux leather tote both from Nordstrom brighten your outfit. With high temperatures expected this summer, I expect you'll want to cool off your toes with a stylish yellow sandal like this one from Nine West. The right yellow handbag and sandal combo will go well with any sun dress you might already have in your closet. Add the twist of yellow, and you'll light up that old favorite.
If you were poolside during the day, and now you want to show off your tanned shoulders, I found this ruffled silk halter from BCBG. I think halter tops are perfect for a night out on the town, especially if you add a black pencil or mini skirt..WOW HOT HOT HOT! If you're wearing a flowing yellow evening dress instead, try adding a draping gold necklace. You can spice up a plain yellow tank or v-neck tee shirt with fashion jewelry that gives off hints of gold. Something like this beautiful antique gold shade tree necklace I found at Banana Republic can make your yellow positively beam.
These long, hot summer days are the perfect time to fire up the barbecue, or invite friends over to hang out. During these gatherings, don't forget to wear what you eat!!! I can see you now...sporting your hot yellow bikini and heating up the grill for your guests. Why not throw on one of the summer's most popular vegetables...corn?!

Sweet yellow corn is an excellent source of Folate and Thiamin, a.k.a Vitamin B. The body needs Thiamin to form Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) which is used to produce energy in every cell of the body. You're going to need that energy if you plan to be active in the summer heat.
If one of your girlfriends is expecting a bundle of joy, help a sister out and put some corn on her plate because it also provides folate which mamas need for their little buns in the oven. Taking folate during pregnancy helps women prevent anemia.
After the delicious BBQ, you can help you guests cool down with plenty of water to keep them hydrated! We don't want anyone passing out from the heat, and not being able to see you in your splendor! Add some pineapple as a garnish to your water to give it that summer flare and a touch of Vitamin C to help them stay healthy.
That's it for now! Enjoy your summer season!! I can't wait to help you dress in even more luscious summer colors, and show you the matching fruits and veggies to help you stay fit!
Don't forget with Palette 2 Palate color is in all year 'round!!